There are 3 core tenets that are universally shared by The New Jersey Milal Mission with America Milal Mission and World Wheat Foundation.

1. Evangelism
The foremost purpose of Milal Mission is evangelism. We strive to share the love protruded by Jesus and his works to the disabled community including their family members. Beyond Social welfare, disabled individuals cannot be truly happy without the love of Christ. Everyone alike, including disabled and non-disabled people, are entitled to a life of happiness through Jesus. We set the goal of evangelism as the first priority in Milal Mission. Spreading the good news of Jesus by delivering the resurrection and the salvation of Jesus, who died for our sins. All of Milal’s activities are grounded in biblical values. Anyone with disabilities or special needs is welcomed. Regardless of sex, age, nationality, creed, ethnicity, disability, or any other backgrounds. Everyone who is interested is eligible for the benefits offered by Milal.

2. Volunteerism
Another facet of our goals is volunteerism. Along with evangelism, much needed component of daily life for disabled people is companionship. Every moment of awakening is a painful reminder of inadequacy because of short-falls of social welfare and the difference of abilities between the disabled and others. There are some needs that can be easily alleviated through the application of love. Mundane tasks are such as special education, vehicle rides, and other services.
Our inherent disposition makes us a highly social being. The preconceived false notions about individuals with disability amplify the loneliness felt by disabled individuals due to the parameters set forth by society. We endeavor to equalize the field by offering companionship through volunteers who were given a calling from Jesus.


3. Enlightenment
The third purpose of Milal Mission NJ is enlightenment. It is momentously important that we inform the general-public at large of the many social challenges faced with the disabled community. However, this wide-spread enlightenment is not something that single or even a few people can accomplish. To be most effective in this task is to educate and advocate for the disabled community to the majority. Milal finds itself in a very unique and fortunate position. Our religious tendencies allow us to spread the love of Christ for the disabled.


Five Visions of Milal Mission
To ensure the fruition of the aforementioned 3 objectives of The New Jersey Milal Mission, we have established and followed these five basic goals.

1. Making the theory for the mission of the Disabled
To follow this edict most proficiently and effectively, a mini refreshing lesson in history is needed. The communist revolution was backed by the theory and beliefs of Marx and Engels. They made the theory of communism and they followed up on their creations by establishing an oppressive political theory. Within their self-defined utopian vision of governance, the disability community were totally ignored. There is an apathy of love towards the disabled population. if one was to simply approach a disabled person through the eyes of pity and sympathy, this brash action would only ensure the brevity of the relationship. A strong faith and theory rooted deeply in the Gospels of God’s kingdom is an obligatory precursor.


2. Promoting the growth of cells for the disabled in churches in the world.
Milal Mission alone cannot accomplish this herculean feat by itself. Moreover, a group effort would be more conducive for the success of this hurdle. If the size of the church allows, there are many activities that can be set up to assist in this gargantuan effort. Physically restricted churches can also join in this Amazonian effort through much needed prayers or altruistic financial pledges. Any assistance to Missionary work for the disabled community is a very noble and a highly respectable experience that will all be rewarded by God. Through these experiences, one is able to identify the daily struggles of the disabled and recognize their own weaknesses. But above all, they can learn God’s love for the weak.


3. Creating churches and missions for the disabled community in over more than 1,000 locations globally.
There is an omnipresence of disabled individuals irrespective of the locale. We attempt to accompany this problem of pervasiveness by creating missions for the missionaries of the disabled to preach, serve, and enlighten the general public. that the mission can continue and nurture ministers through these efforts can pave the path of respite for those involved in the ministry of the disabled community and act as the base camp for all missions related activities.


4. Offering many more opportunities for an academic pursuit in the field topic of disability mission through scholarships.
There is a paucity of capable workers for the ministry of the disabled. Therefore, it is imperative that any workers for the disability community ministry must be identified and cultivated. The success or the failure of a disabled mission is contingent upon the aptitude of the minister.


5. Launching a campaign to create Milal Village.
The gospel of God’s kingdom is not just about eternal salvation. It is an all-inclusive gospel that takes into account of the spirit, the flesh, and the physical environment as well. Therefore, establishing the Milal Village allows the organic integration between the disabled and non-disabled individuals. Milal Village is a community that is not only saves the flesh but also saves the spiritual aspect inside us. Milal Village is the place where the gospel of God’s kingdom is realized. Milal cell, which is built in each church, refers to a group of saints who are on a mission towards the disability community, but Milal Village refers to the specific land of the building built in the New Jersey Milal Mission.


The Ten Core Values of Milal New Jersey
These edicts are also universally held tenets by every Milal missions


1. Milal loves God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Sprit
Milal exists and believe that the overall and arching purpose of Milal mission is to love God and to receive his love while glorifying his name. Retranslated, Milal Mission is a movement of God’s love towards those with disabilities.


2. Milal always serves as the prime momentous proponent of love towards the disabled.
Accessibility in all aspects of life including faith-life is charted as one of the top priorities of Milal mission. The targeted recipients of this movement should not feel isolated and aloof to the community at large.


3. Milal does not discriminate in our love, especially internally.
Milal loves each other. There are sometimes that arises which necessitates disagreements/arguments. Outside extenuating circumstances, it is more prudent to approach any querulous situation through the filter of love.


4. Milal and all those who are associated with Milal, strives for excellence in all the tasks assigned.
Regardless of its triteness, we need to keep in mind we are following the call of God not man. Therefore, it is evidently clear that we should endeavor to achieve beyond mediocracy for the eyes of the Lord not man. God gives grace to all, but it is up to man to fulfill his responsibilities.


5. Milal nurtures a sense of cooperation in all activities engaged in.
Any assistances that are held under the name of God cannot be accomplished singularly. The importance of plurality or the power of numbers are reiterated by this need for cooperation.


6. Milal fosters a strong sense of sacrifice.
Much like the grain of wheat that does not fall properly to the ground and does not germinate, there is no fruit to be yielded by such a fruit-less harvest. The basic concept of sacrifice is portrayed by this simple example in biology. sacrifices are compulsorily needed. Milal does not advocate for self-interest.


7. Milal cherishes the home, church, and places of employment.
Deviation sects that are removed from the ways of God often disregard the importance of homes, churches, and places of employment. An equilibrium is achieved when we value our homes, our church, and our places of employment.


8. Milal is totally transparent and candid in all the endeavors it engages in.
In particular, it must be honest, transparent, and clean in financial matters. We have been releasing all of our finances from the very beginning. The Lord will continue to bless Milal if we maintain this sense of cleanly integrity.


9. Milal values the basic principles of law and order.
We were called by God while we were existing in a community-based way of life. To ensure the harmonious sanctity of our community under God, we need to abide to common law and order. However, the laws of God supersede above all else.


10. Milal heeds to the decision of the general consensus.
For a cog in a gear to work properly, every cog must fluidly work with other cogs in perfect synchronization. There is no room for any personal preferences or antics as the gear will fail at the onsite of such unconventionalities. However, to avoid any stagnation of faith from occurring, we need to realize that perfectness cannot be achieved outside heaven. And respect the liberty-based conscience of one’s own nature.



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